handless seitai




Do People with Healthy Spines Never Experience Discomfort?

The spine is considered the center of mental and physical activities. Within the spine lies the crucial nerve trunk extending from the brain, making it the core of overall health.

Conversely, when the spine is subjected to sustained stress or load, fatigue tends to accumulate rapidly by the end of the day. If left unattended, the accumulated fatigue can disrupt the mental and physical health, becoming a root cause for various discomforts.

Specifically, what are the adverse effects when fatigue accumulates from the spine?
For instance, the spine is more prone to misalignment or blockages (areas with poor mobility), hindering the flow of electrical signals along the nerves. This can result in secondary health issues like lower back pain or shoulder stiffness. Moreover, the negative impact on the nerves can lead to symptoms such as headaches or dizziness related to the autonomic nervous system.

Seitai exists to protect the health of the spine. Given that the spine is continually subjected to gravity, neglecting its misalignment can lead to its progression, worsening the overall mental and physical health.

👉 To reset the accumulated fatigue in the spine, Seitai, a specialized treatment focusing on aligning the spine, is necessary. At Handless Seitai, we constantly enhance our skills to ensure we can protect your health in the long run by addressing spinal misalignments.

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