How Long Does it Take for Lower Back Pain to be Fundamentally Improved?
🧐 Seitai is a treatment aimed at fundamentally improving various discomforts and body pains. If the level of pain is such that it can be resolved in one or two sessions, it may not be severe enough to worry about; it might even resolve on its own.
🇯🇵 Handless Seitai is a representative form of Seitai that can target symptoms that didn’t improve with treatment elsewhere.
Generally, the duration for which the effects of Seitai persist is about one week, and it is often said that 5 to 10 sessions are required for fundamental improvement.
✅ Why is repeated treatment necessary? This is because the body tends to return to its original problematic state. In cases where the symptoms are severe, the body may have become accustomed to the unhealthy state, and some people may experience a quick return to the original condition within a few days after treatment.
👉 By repeating treatments, a steady path to fundamental improvement is paved. So, start by trying one session to see how much the pain changes in reality.