Does the Posture While Using a Computer Affect the Symmetry of the Waist?
👩💻 Among those who have recently been concerned about their body’s misalignment, there are some who say, “Crossing my legs makes my body feel comfortable and calm.” However, in reality, because the body tilts, the muscles needed to maintain posture must be used excessively. If crossing legs becomes a habit, even though you think you are standing straight, your posture may appear distorted.
✅ Noticeably, the back is rounded.
✅ Resting the chin on the hand.
✅ Crossing legs while working.
😣 Especially for those who have developed such postural habits, this may eventually lead to body misalignment and impact the body’s lines.
🧐 Gradually, muscle stiffness occurs, causing changes in the curvature of the spine and the position of the shoulder blades. As a result, the burden on muscles supporting posture, neck, and arms increases. Imbalances in the muscles around the pelvis and lower back lead to differences in the position and angle of the waist’s curves.
Unexpectedly, within the “comfortable posture” in daily life, there are many factors that can cause shoulder stiffness and lower back pain.
👉 To correct your everyday posture (misalignment), let’s be conscious and make adjustments in daily life!